2024-09-13 | BY SCSPI
At the moment, because of the Philippines’ insistence on changing the status quo, maritime friction and collisions between China and the Philippines have become increasingly common. Simultaneously, with the Philippines escalating aerial provocations, the risks of aerial encounters and tensions are also rising, necessitating close attention and vigilance.
2024-07-12 | BY Hu Bo
On June 17, 2024, the Philippines sent 6 vessels, including 1 supply ship and 2 inflatable boats, to the waters of the Second Thomas Shoal, Spratly Islands, attempting to deliver supplies to the grounded ship Sierra Madre. Unlike previous resupply operations led by the Philippine Coast Guard, this one was directly commanded by AFP Western Command and led by the Philippine Marine Corps, marking an unprecedented escalation. In response, the China Coast Guard took lawful measures to intercept, inspection by boarding, and expel the Philippine vessels that intruded into Second Thomas Shoal waters, as well as confiscated weapons and other non-essential supplies. Multiple collisions occurred between vessels from both sides, leading to close confrontations far exceeding the intensity of previous standoffs, making it the most severe friction in the South China Sea in the past decade. This incident generated significant attention worldwide.
2024-04-11 | BY Tham Siew Yean, Ngeow Chow-Bing
In the Chairman’s Statement of the 26th ASEAN-China Summit, issued in September 2023, it...
2024-03-26 | BY Lei Xiaolu
Currently, much attention has been attracted by the tensions between China and the Philippines in...
2024-01-26 | BY Zheng Zhihua
The critical examination of the reasoning of arbitral ruling unveils the fragility of its finding regarding the Shoal's nature. The dependence on Philippines' selective and decontextualized claims, alongside antiquated evidentiary material, casts serious doubt on the finding's impartiality and accuracy.