2019 US Military Exercises in the South China Sea and Neighboring Areas

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2019-12-27 | SCSPI

In 2019, the US military substantially strengthened the contents and intensity of military exercises in the South China Sea and its neighboring areas, and pressed ahead with over 100 reinforced joint military exercises and drills with countries surrounding the South China Sea and extra-regional powers.  

No matter how innovative the contents were, their major purpose was to, by enhancing military cooperation with countries both in and beyond the region, to forge the US’ core capabilities in anti-surface, anti-air, anti-submarine combats and air combats, enhance maritime domain awareness, interoperability and its military presence in the region to contain China from rising as a major sea power.

Against the background of strategic competition between major powers and under the voice featuring “preparing for war in the South China Sea”, what are features of the US military exercises in the South China Sea and neighboring areas ?




Ⅰ. US Unilateral Military Exercises in the South China Sea and Neighboring Areas

Ⅱ. US Bilateral and Multilateral Joint Military Exercises in the South China Sea and Neighboring Areas

Ⅲ. Characteristics of US Military Exercises in the South China Sea and Neighboring Areas

Ⅳ. Conclusions and Outlook



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With a view to maintaining and promoting the peace, stability and prosperity of the South China Sea, we launched the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI) in April of 2019. The Initiative aims to integrate intellectual resources and open source information worldwide and keep track of important actions and major policy changes of key stakeholders and other parties involved. It will provide professional data services and analysis reports to parties concerned, helping them keep competition under control, and with a view to seek partnerships.